Chinese English

Many Chinese users of English make common mistakes in their writing, often because they are translating directly from Chinese to English.  This section, which will be updated often, examines several of those mistakes and shows you how to fix them.

EXAMPLE:  It is very benefits for my company and myself.

The problem here is the word “benefits” which is a plural NOUN.  “It” describes a situation, and the word “benefits” actually describes “It,” so we need the ADJECTIVE form–“beneficial.”


It is very beneficial for my company and myself.

U.S. Cultural Note— Informality is a very common U.S. cultural characteristic. It is common to call your professor or boss by his or her first name after you have gotten to know her/him a little better. Many people will let you know what name they prefer.  Informality may also be seen in the styles of clothing which people wear at work. Depending on the company’s work culture, the “dress code” is usually made clear to new employees.  It is a good idea to ask about this when you are hired.